Monday, October 26, 2009

Eating = essential to life. That's obvious, right? But shopping in a conventional supermarket can be a bore. It can also mean not having the pleasure of seeing where food comes from, who is growing it, and having a connection to the steps of the labour that goes into the miraculous moment of a carrot being ready for consumption.

For the last few years, I have bought the bulk of my food from the two farmers markets that happen weekly quite close to where I live, and it's brought a real pleasure to my doing the necessary duty of feeding myself. One of the things I like best is that I learn a lot about the land in Ontario, how the weather affected various crops, and what farmers did to troubleshoot variables. I also get to find out about what other people do with their food - recipe knowledge abounds! Food is medicine, in a very real sense, and this exposure to the source of food has broadened my knowledge of the food that I eat, it's compounds, and healing properties. And how to approach it in the kitchen, if I happen to be looking for inspiration.

My brother once said to me "Food has vibrations" - he meant that he actually felt food's energy, as if it were talking to him. At the time I was inclined to see him as willfully weird. But then I had to confess that Yes, his example that brown rice had a different 'energetic vibration' than quinoa, was true; i felt it too. And I thought, maybe getting in touch with what my body was saying it wanted was a really positive exploration, for health knowledge, and for the true enjoyment of eating my way to vivacity. I do believe that there is a particular harmony that happens between the body and local food, it's a symbiotic thing.

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